Today I said goodbye to my best friend and constant companion of the past eight years – my beautiful dog Isis. I couldn’t have asked for a better dog. I'm going to miss her warm body curled up beside me at night, her big brown eyes (and their impossibly long white eyelashes) looking up to mine, her soft white head peeking around the corner, her giddy galumphing down the hall when I returned home. She loved playing tug-of-war with her leash, car rides, making snow angels in the winter, chasing tennis balls and never bringing them back, resting her head on your lap, disciplining her array of stuffed animals, and snausages. Isis won over cat people and dog-phobes in minutes with her big dopey grin and calm affection. She made getting out of bed every morning a pleasure, her smile broke my heart, and I can’t begin to imagine my life without her. I love her more than I knew I knew how, and I'm going to miss her in ways I can’t even predict. May she finally be in a place to catch the rabbits she’s been dreaming about for so many years.

I'm so sorry. I lost a small furry one not so long ago, and all I can say is that it does get slowly better.
If you're up to it, I'm having a little birthday soirée this weekend and would love for you to come. You should send me your email address either way.
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