Top to bottom:
-Entanglements of Power: Geographies of Domination/Resistance (eds. Sharp et al 2000)
-Rape on Prime Time: Television, Masculinity, and Sexual Violence (Lisa Cuklanz 2000)
-The James Bond Phenomenon: A Critical Reader (ed Christoph Lindner 2003)
-Cultures of Masculinity (Tim Edwards 2006)
-Feminism After Bourdieu (eds Lisa Atkins and Beverley Skeggs 2004)
-Masculinities (R.W. Connell 1995)
-Masculine Domination (Pierre Bourdieu 2001)
-Marxism and Literature (Raymond Williams 1977)
-The Psychic Life of Power: Theories in Subjection (Judith Butler 1997)
-Masculinities and Crime (James Messerschmidt 1993)
-Generations: Academic Feminists in Conversation (eds Devoney Loose and E. Ann Kaplan 1997)
-Masculinity and Power (Arthur Brittan 1989)
-Blown Away: American Women and Guns (Caitlin Kelly 2004)
-To Be Real: Telling the Truth and Changing the Face of Feminism (ed Rebecca Walker 1995)
-Feminism and the Technological Fix (Carol A. Stabile 1994)
-Gender and Power: Society, the Person and Sexual Politics (R.W. Connell 1987)
ADDENDUM: It's been brought to my attention that many of these titles contain the word 'power'. Four in total (five, if you consider 'domination' a synonym for power, which the OED certainly does). I am a feminist, and a Leo to boot, such things preoccupy me...
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